What makes a drainage system GREAT?
At Hunt Irrigation, Inc. we take your drainage issues seriously and we know the extent to which a water issue can cause serious damage. We understand it’s not just by excessive amounts of water being forced down your foundation or egressed windows, but drywall, and flooring damage as well. Water behind walls can lead to mold and mold remediation can get very costly.
There is always more than one way to complete any project, but at Hunt Irrigation we believe in the motto of DRF “Do it Right the First time”. This has served us well for years and we continue to stand by it.
When we design a drainage system we always design it to the “worst case scenario”. By calculating the square footage of the area we need to move the water from we will know what size pipe is required. All of our drainage systems are built with PVC sewer and drain pipe (Green PVC), never corrugated Polyethylene pipe (Black slinky looking pipe).
We use a special tool to remove “your” sod, cut the trench, then replace the dirt and finally roll out your sod, the seam blend is perfect and the sod color of course matches perfectly. Once completed you cannot even tell we were there. At the end of every drainage run, we complete there is a vertical French drain filled with course rock this allows the water to move into the soil profile up to three feet deep. This also allows for water to move through the pipe year around without ever freezing up.
Our staff has been designing and installing drainage and sump pump discharge systems for almost two decades. We have never had a system freeze or fail in that time. Quality speaks for itself, please take a moment to review our photo gallery and examine some of our past drainage projects.
Let the drainage professionals at Hunt Irrigation remove your water woes, and let you sleep worry-free.
Hunt Irrigation’s Home Drainage Center will walk you through the steps to solve your home drainage problem.
Select your drainage problem

Oftentimes walkways are bordered by grass or curbing which prevents water from quickly draining. This leads to water puddling on your walkway or patio. Installing an in patio trench drain system will allow the water to flow from the walkway to quickly drain into the PVC pipe where it can drain to a safe location.
EZ-Channel Drain can be installed in the patio or walkway and drain any standing water. Since EZ-Channel Drain is available in different widths and lengths it will easily blend in with different concrete applications.
This system drains surface runoff and carries the water a safe distance away from any structure before allowing it to slowly percolate back into the ground.

Rain gutters collect water from the perimeter of your roof and direct it to a downspout. Downspout typically end 2’ – 3’ from the foundation of your home. This places thousands of gallons of water in close proximity of egress windows and basement walls.
Installing a dimensionally correct PVC pipe to the downspout will prevent this water from draining towards your homes foundation. A discharge basins with a vertical French drain easily connects to drain pipes where the water can drain to a safe location.

Water collecting near your home can infiltrate the soil and damage your home’s foundation or lead to water in your crawl space or basement. Installing a perimeter drain will capture the water and carry it away to a safe location before any damage can occur.
The most efficient way to prevent water from entering your basement or crawlspace is to complete a perimeter drainage system. This type of system captures water that has soaked into the ground around your house and carries it a safe distance away through a or series of PVC pipes. By capturing the perimeter water and directing it away from your basement or crawl space can save you thousands of dollars as countless sleepless nights.

Landscape planters or perimeter landscapes that are surrounded by landscape blocks are often located next to the homes foundation. Overwatering, water from rain gutter downspouts or improper grading can lead to water puddling in the planter area. Installing a catch basin in the planter will prevent this water from draining towards your homes foundation or even worse down the foundation wall and under the basement floor. Catch basins placed in areas where water tends to settle can move that water to a vertical.
Install an appropriately sized catch basis. This captures surface run-off water in the planter areas. Piping this in a PVC pipe out to the curb line is a great way to move water away from the foundation and towards the curb line discharging the water into the public storm sewer system.

A low spot in your yard will create a collection point for water in the surrounding area. Installing a dry well will create an underground cavity that will temporarily hold water before it can safely soak into the soil.
Install an appropriately sized catch basis. This captures surface run-off water in the planter areas. Piping this in a PVC pipe out to the curb line is a great way to move water away from the foundation and towards the curb line discharging the water into the public storm sewer system.

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