Over seed any bare spots on existing lawns & start seed for new lawns Sept 15th to October 15th (best germination time).
Time to Fertilize!!
1. Apply lawn fertilizer. 2. Spot treat weeds missed by mid-summer weed control. 3. Fescue: Gradually reduce mowing height back to 2.5 to 3 inches. 4. Bluegrass: Gradually reduce mowing… Read More »
Inspect for Grubs, Check your Drip Irrigation!
1. Avoid applying nitrogen to lawn try potash instead, a 0-0-62 is recommended. 2. Inspect for grub damage. 3. Increase drip irrigation to three times per week if rainfall is… Read More »
Mowing: Fescue vs. Bluegrass
1. Pinch back mums & annuals 2. Fescue: Mow at 3.5 to 4 inches. Fine blade fescue: 3 to 3.5 inches in height. Bluegrass: 3 to 3.5 inches. 3. Continue… Read More »